
Saturday, February 6, 2010

The New Development

The new development has been the resolution taken by the 36 state governors who passed a resolution on the issue of handover by the president based on the current crisis rocking the Nigerian leadership.

A lot of things have happened last week with the memo dispatched by Prof. Dora Akunyili being one of the highlights, in a memo requesting for her boss to handover to the Vice President Prof Akunyili has taken what many have described as a bold step in the right direction, this move has encouraged the move by the Governors to arrive at the current resolution.
In the view and wake of the current situation I would like to analyze the situation and take a neutral look at what the recent developments might mean in the days and weeks to come ahead. The first implication here is the fact that Dora among most of her colleagues would be vilified as she might have stepped on certain toes with that memo, this goes to suggest that the presidency might as well be on the verge of replacing her pending when her boss comes back. On the other hand the fact that 36 state governors unanimously agreed to the handover resolution shows that

Nigeria has spoken and undeniably are concerned about the direction the Nigerian ship might be hitting an iceberg if corrective measures are not taken immediately. With the recent development it is hard to say where the country is heading to but surely one thing is clear more and more players are beginning to exonerate themselves from this power play and have washed their hands clean of the possible fall-outs of this disgraceful situation that is threatening our very young democracy. The possible advice for those who have decided to abuse power and the previlages availed to them by the entire populace of 150 million Nigerians is that the failure to act right might have boomeranging results which would forever change the course of our country, for now all we can do is to watch and see how this plays out. God Bless Nigeria.

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